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Baby Hygiene: Everything You Should Know

Baby Hygiene: Everything You Should Know

Apr 17, 2023


Prince Kumar

As a new parent, you want to do everything you can to ensure your newborn is healthy and happy. There's a lot to think about, from feeding and sleeping to changing clothes and tummy time. This blog post will give you an overview of what to expect in the first few weeks, including how often your newborn will need to eat, sleep and dirty their diapers. You'll also learn about newborn sleep patterns, tummy time and changing clothes. So read on for everything you need to know about caring for your new bundle of joy.

The first few weeks: what to expect

The first few weeks with your new baby can be exciting and exhausting. This section will cover what to expect in the first few weeks, including how often your newborn will need to eat, sleep and dirty their diapers. You'll also learn about newborn sleep patterns, tummy time and changing clothes. A lot of sleep: In the first few weeks, your baby will sleep up to 18 hours daily. This duration may seem like a lot, but your baby needs to get all the sleep they need to grow and develop.

Feeding every 2 to 3 hours: Your newborn is likely to get hungry at faster intervals, especially when compared to adults. Be prepared to feed them every 2 to 3 hours. At first, you may feel like you're feeding your baby all the time, but soon you'll settle into a routine.

Dirty diapers: In the first few weeks, your baby will have at least 6 to 8 wet diapers daily. This regular discharge pattern signifies your baby is getting enough breast milk or formula(Breast Milk is always better than formula).

Weight gain: In the first few weeks, your baby will gain weight quickly, averaging about 1 ounce (30 grams) daily. This is normal and helps ensure that your baby is growing correctly.

Fussy times: Your baby may have fussy periods lasting up to 2 hours daily. During these periods, your baby may be difficult to console. This is normal behaviour for newborns and doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong.

Newborn sleep patterns: Newborns typically sleep for 16-18 hours daily, broken up into 2-4 hours. They may have trouble staying asleep for more than 2-3 hours during the first few weeks. Most newborns wake up every 2-3 hours to eat. They may also wake up more frequently at night, which is normal. By six weeks old, most newborns can sleep for 6-8 hours at a time.

There are a few things you can do to help your newborn sleep better:

Establish a bedtime routine: It can help signal your baby that it's time to sleep. This might include bathing, dimming lights, reading a book and singing a lullaby.

Create a sleep environment conducive to sleep: This means ensuring the room is dark and quiet and the crib is comfortable. You may want to use white noise to help your baby fall and stay asleep.

Don't let your baby get overtired: A tired baby will have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Watch for signs of fatigue, such as yawning and rubbing their eyes. If your baby seems tired, put them down for a nap or try an earlier bedtime.

The following section will discuss how often newborns feed and how much they eat.

Newborn feeding schedule

A newborn's stomach is tiny, so they must eat often. They should be fed every 2-3 hours. It is essential to burp a newborn after each feeding, and they should be provided in an upright position. Newborns typically eat 8-12 times a day. Breastfed babies may eat more often than formula-fed babies. Your newborn will probably take 1-3 ounces (30-90 millilitres) of milk at each feeding.

As your baby grows, it will start to sleep for more extended periods at night and need to eat less often during the day. By six weeks old, most newborns can sleep for 6-8 hours at a time.

How to swaddle a newborn

Swaddling is a technique that has been used for centuries to help soothe and calm newborn babies. It involves wrapping the baby in a blanket or cloth so that its arms and legs are snug and secure. This can provide a feeling of comfort and security for the baby and help prevent them from scratching themselves with their nails. Swaddling can also help babies sleep for extended periods, preventing them from being disturbed by their startle reflexes. If you are planning on swaddling your newborn, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure you use a clean baby blanket that is soft and comfortable. Avoid using wool or synthetic fabric, as these irritate the baby's skin.

Lay the blanket down on a flat surface and then fold down the top two corners to meet in the middle. Next, fold up the bottom two corners to meet in the middle. Finally, tie the four corners together. Once you have wrapped the baby snugly in the blanket, you can put them in their crib or bassinet.

If your baby is getting too hot while swaddling, you can loosen the wrap slightly or remove one of the layers of clothing they are wearing underneath. Swaddling is a great way to help soothe and calm your newborn baby, but it is essential only to do it for short periods. Once your baby starts to roll over or show signs of discomfort, it is time to stop swaddling them.

When to start tummy time

Tummy time is essential for your baby to get used to being on their stomach. It should be done several times a day for short periods. You can do tummy time while your baby is awake and alert. Place your baby on their stomach on a firm surface for tummy time. Stay with your baby during tummy time and provide supervision. If your baby doesn't like tummy time, you can try a few things to make it more enjoyable. Try placing a mirror in front of them so they can see themselves. You can also put a favourite toy out of reach so they have something to strive for. Or try placing them on your chest so they can feel your heartbeat. Remember to take breaks and give your baby a chance to rest if they start to get fussy.

Most babies will start showing interest in rolling over around four months old. This is usually the same time that they will begin to enjoy tummy time more. Until then, don't worry if your baby doesn't love it. Just keep trying, and eventually, they will get used to it!

Change of clothes

As a new parent, you may be wondering how many changes of clothes your newborn will need each day. The answer to this question can vary depending on a few factors, such as whether you are breastfeeding or formula-feeding, how often your baby is eating and whether they have any diaper leaks. On average, newborns will need 8-10 changes of clothes per day. This includes outfits for during the day as well as sleepwear for nighttime. If breastfeeding, you may find that your baby needs more frequent changes of clothes due to spit-up or diaper leaks. It is always best to err on caution and have a few extra outfits on hand, just in case.

When it comes to washing and caring for your newborn's clothes, you should keep a few things in mind. First of all, use a mild detergent that is designed for babies' clothing. Avoid using fabric softener, as this can irritate your baby's skin. You should also wash your baby's clothes separately from the rest of the family's laundry.

It is best to hang dry your baby's clothes whenever possible. If you need to use the dryer, use the lowest setting and remove the clothes from the dryer as soon as possible. Ironing is unnecessary for most baby clothes, but if you need to iron them, use a low-heat setting.

Now that you know how many changes of clothes your newborn will need each day and how to care for their clothes, you can be prepared for anything!

Parenting may seem a tough job at times, but remember you are raising your own and maintaining hygiene and food/ sleep patterns will ensure better health and lesser downtimes in terms of sickness. Prevention, they say, is better than cure. For a newborn, this holds more significance. 

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